Prime Auditors has been performing forensic audits to obtain refunds for organizations for over 40 years.
Today more than ever, utility and telecom bills are confusing and filled with likely errors.
What We Look For in a Telecom Audit:
Rates –
Are you being charged the rates you should be? We will obtain both customer service records and agreements on all of your telecom services and make sure that your rates are correct. If not, we can go back up to 6 years and get you a refund on any items that are billed in error. With the advent of VoIP, SIP and other state of the art telecommunications products coming into existence, the possibility of errors on your invoices and agreements is probable.
Supplier Overbilling -
Over the last 3 years, there has been a tremendous amount of abuse in the supplier world. Over billings are found in incorrect rates, slamming, hidden fees and tax and surcharge over billing. If you have a gas or electric supplier you owe it to yourself to have your bills reviewed. Even if you left your supplier years ago, we are able to claw back and get you refunds if you are due them. In response to the rampant devious nature of the supplier world, State regulatory agencies have come down hard on the suppliers and they will be directed to compensate you.
Taxes and Surcharges –
We find numerous errors on these items. We can go back up to 4 years and obtain refunds back on these issues.
What We Look For in a Utility Audit:
Rates –
Are you on the best rate plan? Would you be better off in a different rate class? These are some of the things we will consider in an audit of your rates. Oft time, the utility companies will even go back retroactively and credit you should they be found negligent in making you aware of the better rate class you could have been in.
Are you ready for refunds? Fill out the form and one of our dedicated team members will be in touch for a risk-free refund analysis.
Disconnected or Unnecessary Services –
It is our experience that many of our clients have services on their invoices that are either no longer in service or previously requested to be disconnected. Still a problem in today’s billing environment are old POTS telephone lines still being billed that should have been ported into new VoIP or SIP platforms.
Bad Meter Reads –
Do you feel like some of your bills look much higher than they should be? The answer could lie in a bad meter read. We know how to fix that issue and get you a refund.
Taxes and Surcharges –
An area where we historically find a good majority of over billing. We will go back historically and get you a refund as well as fix the issue going forward.
As always all of our fees are based upon recovery and savings and there is never an out of pocket expense.
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